Monday, April 15, 2013

Sick Sunday in Spain

I don't remember when I snapped this photo... but it pretty much captured how I felt last weekend
With the change of seasons, well, the inevitable happened: I fell sick.

It started off with a slight cold and mild sore throat... which a day later exploded to a more serious one. But it wasn't THAT bad. It just meant that I had a worse cough, cold and sore throat than the day before. So naturally, I spent most of my Sunday at home, in the comfort of my own bed.

I bought plenty of water the previous day so that I could easily drink as much water as possible. Normally, I would have a difficult time consuming much water as I get full easily. But for some reason, drinking water here felt so soothing to my throat that I managed to consume two full 2-liter bottles of water within a day.

An awesome day for a picnic... but I totally missed the fun (Photo by Heidi Aanderud Ramirez) 

Sunday was a perfect day to go out. And since Spring had officially come, people from IE decided to go to Retiro Park to enjoy an afternoon picnic. I died in bed watching in agony photos I was seeing on Facebook, knowing that I could've been there to also enjoy the sun and good weather.

But, well, that's how life goes. I personally feel better today but getting better still needs a little more time. Hopefully I should be in tip-top shape in the next few days~ just in time when the program officially starts.

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